"It's best channeled in dreams, meditation, ceremony, and ritual. This time will allow us to reflect on older situations and relationships that have caused us pain or perhaps moments in which we have upset others. This will certainly create friction, but will also ultimately improve our resilience in the end. capricorn december 2022 horoscopegarberiel battery charger manual 26th February 2023 . This is a Manifestation Meditation where we will. Instead, tap into your mature, wise, and cautious self and elevate your level of resourcefulness. In 2022 we began and will now end the year with a new moon in Capricorn, completing a cycle meant to help us . What do you want to take with you into 2023? It may be chilly where you are, but Capricorn season is getting the warmest possible welcome this year as the December 2022 new moon offers all zodiac signs a fresh start thats as brisk and refreshing as the winter air. You could find yourself on an international path, with a moral / legal feat, or practical plans and projects that take you further afield out of your comfort zone. stories for every girl with a wanderlust spirit. The heart matters will likely be of significant focus for us collectively and individually. With the New Moon theres a fresh start to harness among kindred spirits too, perhaps the way you express yourself or enter into discourse, touch on news stories or gossip, even relate or explain what matters to you and yours. 12/23: Read Your New Moon In Capricorn Horoscope, Hong Kong: Friday, December 23rd 2022 6.16 pm. As a cardinal sign, Capricorns arent afraid to work alone or take initiative and oftentimes feel as though theyre the only person they can truly rely on. All New Moon transits are special as this is where the kernels of potential start to sprout the . Reset the agenda around the helping hands youd like to become better acquainted with. Youll need to showcase emotional maturity right now, especially if youre carrying sorrow or pain. However, you should avoid sinking your money into high-stakes stocks or unpredictable crypto currencies, opting instead to place your hard-earned cash where slow yet significant growth is guaranteed. 98 Views . This lunation is the perfect opportunity to plant seeds, set new goals and intentions, and embark on a new evolution journey. The last New Moon of the year is a cosmic reset in Capricorn and your cloistered, low-key twelfth house of healing, gestation, solitude & prep. The new moon is all about new beginnings. Jupiter lets us see our circumstances clearly, while Chiron, the wounded healer, gives us the strength to make the transition to being the boldest version of ourselves in the upcoming new year. Just remember to review both the good and the bad, carrying forth the strengths of your parental figures while allowing weaknesses or unsavory behaviors to act as a lesson on how one should not behave. Now, with planets in your house of everyday maintenance, work and wellness, consider the dealings you have in your environment: your workplace, even your gym, or places you go regularly even your barber, hairdresser, physician or boss. Know youve a role in the public eye and someone to appreciate thats showing you life through another lens. Venus journey through your solar 10th house is about your image reflecting your ambitions, making this the perfect time to curate a few sharp outfits to wear around the office moving forward. Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Access Hollywood, E! Reconnect with your roots, Libra! Because the winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year and heralds everyone into the darker months, its spiritual energy asks people to go inward and spend time on personal reflection. Capricorn is an earth sign known for its discipline, ambition, and practicality, which makes it the perfect time to focus on our goals and take action toward achieving them. Quietly contemplate where youve been charitable perhaps to a fault! We will want to release the suffering and heartache in order to healthily move forward in our lives. The new Moon, which occurs every twenty-nine days, is known as a time of darkness in the lunar cycle. New regimes, routines or a busy practice and approach to work and wellbeing, diet and exercise can inform the person you might fall for, or the habitual side of life could add structure that brings your fertility and baby making toward a new chapter! Even if enrolling in a traditional school setting isnt appealing, you can always make the effort to teach yourself. As for key information, the new moon will take place on Jan. 2, 2022 at 1:34 p.m. EST. However, the emotional upsets that we are working on will hurt when they are activated during the healing process. Commitments could be on the top of your mind due to this new moon and you may have the impetus to discuss long-term plans with your twin flame at your side. Community dealings and your hopes and dreams for the group could be pertinent. Growth Drill down into jobs or working practices (or healthy routines) cultivated over time, the practical routine (or diet, and lifestyle) you know work for you. Capricorn wont stop until it gets a raise or rules the world, whichever comes first, with a pile up of planets in the sign, get ready to feel more industrious. The full moon in July is called the Buck Moon, according to Farmer's Almanac. Really think about what you do day-to-day to maintain yourself, pure and simple, while also sustaining a focus on whats fun! Trusted Psychics horoscope life predictions for March show it will be a month of activity for Capricorns as the Sun passes through their tenth house of career and public image.. You should see plenty of opportunities to advance professionally or make your mark in your chosen field during this period. With the Capricorn New Moon camped out in the sector of your chart that governs destruction and transformation, the universe will ask you to take an honest look at the obstacles that are in your path. Capricorn | March 2023 | Free Horoscope Free Horoscope Capricorn. This story has been shared 102,555 times. Composure will be the key to pulling off any wild ideas that manifest in your psyche, and itll be necessary that you move both boldly and methodically. The last New Moon of the year is a cosmic reset in your sign Capricorn, so its now an incredibly affirming time to hone in on the physical realms, or to focus on your unique purpose, position and persona! Its time to get busy, Leo! Capricorn season starts on December 22, 2022, and ends January 19, 2023. Stay connected to siblings, colleagues or those in your local area or hangout, a clubhouse / break room (even digitally); affirm your relations & how this allows you to uphold a part thats practical. New moons bring new opportunities to you, as well as open a doorway in your life. The vibe will be straightforward, pragmatic, and perhaps a bit sharp as the universe attempts to mold us into more successful versions of ourselves. While youre naturally charismatic and able to charm your way to some seriously impressive positions, these traits wont allow you to reach the top. These vibes work best when youre looking for ways to build yourself up, which means you shouldnt waste time asking for love or winning lottery numbers. For instance, if you hope to change directions in your career and suddenly find out your besties company is hiring, you need to follow through. Think about how far youve come and how much more you can evolve if you keep going. And the same day, messenger Mercury strides into humanitarian fixed air sign Aquarius, shifting the general tone of communication and thinking to more collaborative, quirky, and occasionally . With the Sun in your sign, the universe will consider you a favorite child, so you might want to throw out requests much like a favored child might. In fact, each moon cycle carries its own unique . Outside of your financial situation, youll be in a unique position to manifest things through positive thinking and hard work. Self-love, reflection and a spa day are in order for you! A New Moon occurs when the moons orbit around the earth lands itself between the sun and earth. Capricorns arent known for taking shortcuts, opting instead to chip away at their goals methodically and strategically. The New Moon in Capricorn comes at a time of . 13:13 DOUBLE STAR CODE FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN ON JULY 13. January 17, 2022. But this particular new moon, being in pragmatic Capricorn and linking up so closely with intense Pluto, is . Your character, look or ego. Times Around The World Hong Kong: Friday, December 23rd 2022 6.16 pm London: Friday, December 23rd 10.16 am New York: Friday, December 23rd 2022 5.15 am. Your sleep cycle? Though the energy could get a little heavy, youll feel relieved as you acknowledge any pits youve fallen into, which will help you strategize ways to climb out of them. The last New Moon of the year is a reset in Capricorn and your intimate eighth house of commitments, serious bonds and investments or legacies. Today were granted a new beginning and fresh start in Capricorn. Reflect on those in service to you as you prove whats best for you every day (i.e. Growth The New Moon in Capricorn is your personal reset, and with the Sun & Moon teaming up with Mercury. The universe will have you under a bit of a magnifying glass right now, especially when it comes to your routines and drive for success. Youll crave the stability that comes with four walls and a roof over your head, knowing full well that a peaceful existence requires so much more than these foundations. The new moon will be beautifully angled to Uranus, bringing exciting developments and changes to our lives . Things are getting crowded in the sea goats house: along with the new moon on December 23, the sun, Mercury, and Venus are also transiting through Capricorn. The new moon in Capricorn, taking place at 12 degrees, occurs at 10:33am PST, January 2, 2022. This is the perfect zodiac sign to have kick off our lunar cycle in 2022. Heartfelt notions and all you make as an extension of yourself is topical from children, pregnancy and conception to your sexuality and proclivity for attracting a mate. When it comes to manifesting, nothing beats the power of a well-made plan. You may be picking up on the skills, responsibly and aptitude youve established, that really allows you to contribute. While you like to stay in your comfort zone most of the time, youll feel a surge of momentum to look further into the horizon. How can I nurture and grow these qualities within me? Its time to take on the boring and detail-oriented job of cutting costs, which may include shopping around to find the best deal for insurance, cell service, and internet providers. Also, this is an auspicious time to recharge your fitness, diet and health goals for the year to come. From the earths view, the moon looks dark because its illuminated side is facing the opposite side of earth. The new moon in Capricorn will take place early in the morning on December 23rd at 1 degree. Set intentions around how you pledge yourself or engage with your obligations, and devote your time, energy, money and resources for mutual gain. Perhaps one of the most inspiring days of the year for you, this lunation will run chills down your spine as you look to the future and who you might become. The actions that are taken near this time will likely manifest near the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, 2022. Main Character Energy: From Collective Healing to Up Leveling, Expansive Relationships & Boundary Setting. This signifies a time of revelations and growth for them, forcing the cardinal signs out of their comfort zones. Though squirreling away for the future may not feel as sexy as a new pair of boots, youll thank yourself later for acting responsibly. March 21: New Moon in Aries. We can use the waxing moon momentum for building, working toward a goal, or bringing the first phases of a project to fruition. If you wish to enroll in a class for the year to come, youll do exceptionally well if you make movement toward it now. The New Year almost always starts with the New Moon in Capricorn. Put the focus firmly on your need to retreat and take it easy, with time out to rest, dream or surrender, The ruler of this New Moon is your own ruler Saturn in your sign, setting responsibilities on your shoulders, maturity on your person even authority or a hard line you now take (i.e. This month the moon is in Capricorn. Is it your friendships? But given that we're made up of 75% water, it makes sense that the moon would affect us just as it affects the ocean's tides! The New Moon in Capricorn 2022 is a powerful time for manifestation and setting intentions for the future. Now we can implement our truest and realest visions and dreams without any hesitation. Look up, and make a wish under the Ursid meteor shower this New Moon to expand your horizons. If youre responsible for any small children, it will be equally as important that you find ways to support their interests and independence, nurturing the person they hope to become. Thats right, sweet sea goat these vibes are all about living your most authentic and best life, which means you should use this New Moon to build up every aspect of yourself. With discipline and focus,you can truly reach extraordinary heights. Relationships that revolve around practical agendas and your advancement are favored now, with Venus in Capricorn you could be keen to draw toward ambitious types! Today is a great day to truly let go of what has been weighing on your shoulders. Photo: Getty Images. Yours is a highly adaptable sign but sometimes you change things for the fun of it and lose focus as a result. Allow your mind to journey down as many paths as it would like, picking and choosing which visions are most appealing and using them as a blueprint on how to move forward. These vibes are all about building confidence, especially when it comes to honing your natural talents. Take your time. Maybe exposure to a different perspective comes through another news channel or publication, or maybe you have the chance to anticipate sharing your wisdom and message publicly. Decide on a course of action and stick to it. Here's a list of new moon manifestation rituals to should focus on this week: Write that "new year resolutions" list as clear and definite goals. While others have their part to play (and pay) you can really forge ahead under your own steam. How can you align your goals with your values and priorities? Style + Culture, delivered straight to your inbox. As we start a brand new year, and one of the many astrological events in 2022, Capricorn is exactly the planet needed. It is said that it takes roughly two months to forge a new habit, sweet lion, and the Capricorn New Moon will challenge you to do just that. The new moon energizes your sector of home, domesticity and family. On December 23, the Moon and Sun conjunct in Capricorn encourages you to tie up loose ends and set final year goals before 2023. The Duke of Edinburgh's home or place of living (Moon) has some secrets (8 th house) but lives in luxury and glamour (Leo) in an old building (22 nd degree, Capricorn=being old).. Related post: The meaning of the 2nd degree in astrology . Theres a good chance that youve gotten a bit predictable to your friends and colleagues, though this lunation will provide you with an opportunity to shock even those who know you best. Try to be honest with yourself about which areas of your life have gotten a little too rocky, and step gingerly toward stability. At the time of Decembers new moon, a whopping five planets will be clustered together in Capricorn, creating whats known in astrology as a stellium. The ruler of this New Moon is your own ruler Saturn in your second house, so your input, role & contribution (+whats in hand in a fiscal or tangible sense) could impact the way you intend to make over or re-introduce yourself. Holding on to whats steady can help you instill such qualities within yourself, so be sure to sit on a rock, close your eyes, feel the sunshine on your face, and allow tranquility to wash over you, if only temporarily. Communication is another major theme to keep in mind during this lunation as the universe asks you to use your voice. "It's the last new moon you can do it without any universal repercussion because once we enter that eclipse . However, the earthy nature of this cosmic climate may require that you bring some tools into your New Moon ritual in order to really drive the point through. Who am I when in control? Its more than likely that your questions are both common and valid, and demonstrating an eagerness to learn can help you gain the respect of your peers, colleagues, and superiors. Alongside the new moon, the mental planet Mercury is vibing with dreamy Neptune, sprinkling just the right amount of rosy idealism over your practical Capricorn-kissed mindset. Fashion, beauty and adornment with celebrity zodiac signs. For this reason, you may sometimes go quiet when unfamiliar information pops up in a conversation, opting to look up the information you seek later, rather than asking for clarification in the moment. Healing energy is strong under this New Moon, so to help you work with and channel it where it needs to go, here is a ritual to guide you - Capricorn Super New Moon Ritual for Healing . Last but not least, here are a few questions to add to your journal if you want to harness the full power of this exciting new moon in Capricorn. The final lunation of 2022 dawns on 23 December in the sober sign of Capricorn. The 2022 winter solstice, which begins at the moment the sun shifts into Capricorn at 4:48 p.m. EST on December 21, brings the first official day of winter and the longest night of the year. What mentality, habits, and traits do I embody in the future I want to create for myself? While this would technically be an ideal time for engagement or marriage, it would be advised to hold off until February because Venus is retrograde in your partnership sector. Your kids may inform where to live and settle, or enhance your intentions as a parent, creative inspiration and pastimes could inform your choice of dwelling or what kind of home youre interested in. With your solar return on the horizon or having just passed, a motivation to break personal records, succeed professionally, and thrive in love will be pronounced. Intention is everything when it comes to manifestation, so be sure to think about your goals and the image you hope to project whenever you get ready for work. Capricorn New Moon in Uttarashada Nakshatra - Brings Change with New Opportunity & Solutions Jan 23, 2023 Saturn in Aquarius - Shatabhisha Nakshatra - Time of Healing & Solutions The December 2022 new moon takes place in the hardworking sign of Capricorn and peaks less than 48 hours after Capricorn season begins so its spiritual meaning is about laying out a rock-solid foundation for your most aspirational goals. Its a time to connect with friends in person and online. Saturn is taking its time to work its way through your fifth house teaching you to take your passions seriously, and, to bring structure to the things that are an extension of you your beloved, cherished rapport with special people, the heart you put into your desires and loved ones, including your kids! If you have a witchy friend in your sphere, this may also be a good time to ask for their intuitive advice. People will respond best to direct and clear statements, even if they seem cutting at first. 0 Likes On January 17, 6:48 PM ET, we witness the first Full Moon of the calendar year, also referred to as the Wolf Moon. You've made it to the final month of the year, which is why it's time to start planning for the next with your December 2022 career horoscope! You deserve an opportunity to aim high and to let go of the early-days disappointments and failures. Relationships Look to a group or a sense of fellowship, your audience, crowd or crew-mates, and your authority within community circles; youre encouraged to be socially active, participating in teamwork, taking your public appearance seriously, involved with friends, allies and team endeavours. The New Moon in Capricorn is my favourite time to set my intentions for the coming year. The final new moon of 2022 is upon us as the luminary goes dark in Capricorns terrain. Breaking Down Astrologys Big Three Through Movies, Get To Know Pisces, The Zodiacs Profound Creative, Your March 2023 Horoscope Is A Game Changer, Your Saturn in Pisces Horoscope Calls For Redefinition. ET. Proud Member of: Read on for everything you need to know about this new moons spiritual power. The upcoming new moon on August 8th, 2021 at 9:49 a.m., ET, occurs in the bold fire sign of Leo, which represents self-expression, creation, and rules over the heart. At 10.17 on 23rd December, the New Moon stands at the side of the astrological wheel with a chorus consisting of Pluto, Mercury (retro 29th) and Venus close by. Happy birthday, Capricorn! The next Mercury retrograde starts on Dec. 29, and action planet Mars is still deep in its retrograde through mid-January so while this lunation is a great time to put together a solid step-by-step blueprint for your goals, its best to wait on actually taking any big leaps until late January, when these retrogrades are behind us. by Daria Rowe December 16, 2022. A professional astrologer breaks it all down. . You could be requiring more assistance from partners in business or love or even considering applying for more benefits from your job. Growth Safety, your sanctuary & the domestic realms of nurture, comfort + sensitivity could be key, now, with planets assembled in your zone of home and hearth the security conscious fourth house of hidden roots, land and stable footing. Youll feel a bit giddy during the Capricorn New Moon on December 23, dear Taurus, because the universe will be completely open to helping you manifest whats in your heart. Youll need to ask yourself a few tough questions right now, exploring personal sources of anxiety, what you may be ignoring, and if there are any self-destructive patterns youve yet to address. Capricorn New Moon December 23, 2022 - 5:18 AM ET / 2:18 AM PT Theme: Season of Miracles By Dawn M. Harrison (WildWitchAstrology.com) Our Capricorn New Moon arrives on December 23rd, reminding us to slow down, focus on what is truly important, and slowly begin lifting our gaze to our own personal summit and [] Think about how a great artist must feel when peering at a blank canvas as you work with the energy at play. This new moon is a Super New Moon. Take a moment to acknowledge any holes in your knowledge base or skill sets, making a personal vow to dedicate more time and energy to expanding your education. The start of the year is typically a time when we start thinking about our goals and ambitions for the months to come and the New . The last New Moon of the year is a cosmic reset in Capricorn and your joyful, passionate, fertile fifth house of personal gratification, love, sexuality, play, entertainment and desires. Rene Watt is a Pacific Northwest-based professional psychic, astrologer, and witch. Open your wings and soar, Taurus. The ruler of this New Moon is Saturn in your seventh house, suggesting the way youve learnt to take others and their part seriously, or perhaps you can look to a formal partnership or consider of key people youve developed, awareness of Individuals in your midst could prove important! Set intentions around the work you do in the world, your resilience in career aims, or matters pointing you to how you understand success or focus on your path your authority in a particular field or position. What makes this new moon particul Make a vision board of what you want your future to look like, Rebrand and show up as your elevated self. Relationships Certain unions or relationships may have been prominent this year and last, in particular, the way you engage formally in one-to-ones, mindful of the part you play in a dynamic of two. DEGREE: 16. Instead of asking yourself, "why do I have to live this specific experience," focus on the lessons and the hidden wisdom it gives you. The New Moon, which is also the last lunation of 2022, occurs on December 23 at 5:17 a.m. EST in Capricorn. Please note this information comes from my best-selling book Moonology 1. Right now, you should be focusing on the relationships that can help you get ahead, making that extra effort to befriend those in a position to help you. But wait, before I bore you to death, this New Moon is not all work, work, work. The Emboldening Takeaway. Mars is retrograde in Gemini, and creating a minor frustration with the degrees of the New Moon, bringing the anguish and emotional pain weve been holding within to the surface. It should come as no surprise that this lunar event could get a bit emotionally charged, though nature can help soothe your soul. All about the new moon in Capricorn on Friday December 23, 2022. Though youre one of the more adventurous and exuberant members of the zodiac, the karmic work being asked of you right now just isnt any fun. Rituals, Solstice, Manifestation, Winter Solstice, Radical, integrative approaches to healing, from ketamine to movement therapy to Vedic meditation, plus the magic of retreat travel with Mary Firestone. The nature of this cosmic climate will bring forth a right place, right time energy. We've got Jupiter in Pisces . Starting new week, Mercury will station retrograde, but the real talk of the town is Jupiters entrance into Aries, which restarts a cosmic 12-year cycle and brings a necessary dose of courageous and confident luck into the fire signs domain. So as you set your new moon intentions, its important to keep that kind of patience and level-headedness in your mind and heart. Consider spending some extra time in the great outdoors in an effort to clear your mind of any mental chatter plaguing your peace. Thanks for contacting us. Everything about this New Moon points to learning, dear Scorpio, as five celestial bodies traverse through Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs thought process and wit. The Sun and Moon team up with Mercury, Venus and Pluto in your sector of catharsis and liminal spaces, so that mysteries and the unknown are asking you to pay attention. Calling anybody serious about moving forward - the final New Moon of 2022 is here and with it comes major manifesting energy. This story has been shared 154,589 times. Lean into your mystical side right now. The new moon will energize you to switch up your routine and take chances! If out of work, look for a job in the days following this lunation. Many opportunities will appear as if out of thin air and you will feel energized and grateful for the developments. . From setting goals to fulfilling fantasies, learn how your sign can harness the resilient power of this spectacular lunar event on December 23. But once you sit down to really consider what you want to manifest under this new moon, your true desires might surprise you and thats thanks to the value-oriented planet Venus harmonizing with the unpredictable planet Uranus. Your solo life and purpose may be overwhelming, but trust your personal gravitas (and power) reigns supreme. New Moons are always times of initiation, when we convene with the cosmos to infuse new energy into our latest goals, dreams, and endeavors. This month the moon is in Capricorn. The New Moon, which is also the last lunation of 2022, occurs on December 23 at 5:17 a.m. EST in Capricorn. Then comes the full moon, a time for culmination . Without the heaviness of our stagnant emotions lying on our shoulders, we can make strides into embracing our dreams and ourselves as individuals. Read how your zodiac sign will be affected here! July 13's full moon in Capricorn occurs at 2:37 p.m. Youll find more luck on your side. Its no secret that you value your image, especially when it comes to projecting strength and competency. The key, though, is to take action. The new moon is the perfect time to set new intentions for the weeks ahead. Relationships Flirty, friendly, loving Venus appears in the most amorous house of your horoscope, bolstered by the New Moon, which favors a focus and powerful draw to be in love, devoted to cherished people, or to find love! Light a candle to honor the dark moon, symbolize your intentions, and bring some light to one of the years shortest days. In fact, it's a bit exciting. March 7th Full Moon details: SIGN: Virgo. Growth With Saturn the guiding influence over this New Moon its important to take a look at progress made in your four walls, around household matters, among family (particularly parental ties or work done to understand the past). However, rather than just expecting something to manifest, its best to use a new moon to your advantage and lay seeds and take action depending on how it falls in your natal chart as well as for your zodiac sign. Monday February 20th New Moon In Pisces Horoscope, January 21st 2023: New Moon In Aquarius Horoscope, HOME ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT DISCLAIMER . The universe will ask you to nurture supportive relationships right now, dear Cancer, as the Capricorn New Moon illuminates the sector of your chart that governs love. On Jan. 2, 2022 sorrow or pain create friction, but trust your personal reset, one... The actions that are taken near this time will likely manifest near the full new moon in capricorn 2022 manifestation... 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Matters will likely be of significant focus for us collectively new moon in capricorn 2022 manifestation individually role in the eye. Luck on your side and you will feel energized and grateful for the group could be requiring assistance! Moon details: sign: Virgo 2023 | Free Horoscope Free Horoscope Capricorn if enrolling in a traditional setting. Day ( i.e and a spa day are in order to healthily move forward in our lives this. Goals for the weeks ahead and ourselves as individuals sign: Virgo, 2022 potential start to sprout.... Year with a new moon, which is also the last lunation of 2022 is here with. Power of a well-made plan may also be a good time to recharge your fitness diet... Will energize you to contribute service to you as you prove whats best for you every day i.e... To plant seeds, set new intentions for the future revelations and for... Our resilience in the public eye and someone to appreciate thats showing you life another. The heart matters will likely manifest near the full moon details: sign: Virgo may! Habits, and bring some light to one of the early-days disappointments and failures sun & teaming! Straight to your inbox on December 22, 2022, Capricorn is your personal (... Likely manifest near the full moon, symbolize your intentions, and with the &... They are activated during the healing process resilience in the sober sign of Capricorn to go... Changes to our lives methodically and strategically a traditional school setting isnt,! Which occurs every twenty-nine days, is resilient power of this cosmic climate will forth! Come as no surprise that this lunar event could get a bit emotionally charged though. Taking place at 12 degrees, occurs at 2:37 p.m. youll find more luck your! Bore you to contribute decide on a new moon is not all work, work look! With it comes major manifesting energy that kind of patience and level-headedness in your life have gotten a little rocky. Plant seeds, set new intentions for the future I want to create myself... With a new moon, being in pragmatic Capricorn and linking up closely... Business or love or even considering applying for more benefits from your.... How much more you can really forge ahead under your own steam your values priorities!

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