uk local government pay rise 2022
31 March 2022. According to the MoJ, paying those working in the judiciary a 3.5% pay rise would cost 23 million based on 2022/23 pay roll costs. The unions are currently consulting their members on the 2023 pay claim, which they have told us will be submitted before the end of January. The employers have also sought reassurance from the unions that they will engage constructively and agree from the outset to be bound by the eventual outcome, in accordance with the provisions of the NJCs Constitution. Terms and conditions. Many of our members are on poverty wages and deserve a large inflation-busting pay rise as they have endured a savage reduction in pay in real terms. London SW1P 3HZ Local Government Association company number 11177145, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards, LGA responds to Public Accounts Committee report on workforce skills, More news in this The National Employers are also acutely aware of the recruitment and retention challenges councils are facing. Local Government Pay Claim 2022/23: Pay offer accepted Published 2 November 2022 We have now received advice that the pay increase for this year has been agreed. Tel: 020 7664, Trade Union Secretaries The offer has been rejected by Unite, who said it . Notwithstanding the retention and morale issues this would create, it could also lead to huge equal pay challenges in many areas. It also includes a 4% increase to allowances, backdated to 1 April 2022, with a one day increase to the annual leave of all employees coming into effect on 1 April 2023 and the removal of the bottom pay-point on the same date. As well as seeking views on the unions pay claim, the briefings will build on the themes set out previously in the employer circular dated 2 February, which itself was the basis for the regional briefings held in March. Given that the scenario above will not come to pass, the National Employers have few opportunities to consider anything other than a pay award that applies to the pay spine as currently configured. endobj <> However, they believe their offer is fair to employees, given the wider economic backdrop.. "Council employees have been offered a pay increase of at least 1,925 from 1 April 2023. For too long, our local government members have faced real terms pay cuts. endobj The National Joint Council for local government services negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of staff in local authorities. Tel: 0800 085, To: Chief executives in England, Wales and N Ireland The chair of the National Employers for local government services, Sian Goding, said: "The National Employers are acutely aware of the additional pressure this year's . 1 0 obj Monday 28 February 2022. By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. UNISON, GMB and Unite view NEUs conduct as a breach of an agreement, brokered by the TUC, that the NEU would not seek recognition to negotiate on pay and conditions for support staff. The three unionssaystaff working in local government have seen an average of 27.5% wiped from the value of their pay since 2010, the unions say. The trade union Unite has rejected the offer of a 1,925 pay rise made last week by the local government employers. It is right that MPs are paid fairly for the responsibility and the unseen work they do helping their constituents, which dramatically increased last year. To: Chief Executives in England, Wales and N Ireland 4 0 obj Because the National Employers are conscious of councils frustration at the time it took to settle the 2021 pay round, they have written to the unions expressing their hope that we can all work together in the forthcoming negotiations to avoid another lengthy process. The pay offer was for a flat rate payment of 1,925 on each scale point with effect from 1 April 2022. 27 Jul 2021. above the maximum of the pay spine but graded below deputy chief officer (in accordance with Green Book Part 2 Para 5.41) With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88 per cent on all allowances (as listed in the 2022 NJC pay agreement circular dated 1 November 2022) In response to other elements of your claim: London NW1 2AY But their pay is set by an independent body, which says it should be in line with other public sector workers. It is possible that such notices could be held to be invalid notices of ballot, depending on the extent of the errors. UK civil servants face real terms pay cut in 2022-23 as living costs soar Government guidance for below-inflation pay rise will leave many public sector workers worse off The. At the beginning of the year when we were waiting for the unions to settle the 2021 pay round, which they eventually did on 28 February, I wrote to you on 2 February to highlight the very difficult decisions that faced the National Employers as they began to consider their approach to the 2022 pay negotiations. Regional pay briefings took place during March, in which we built on the stark message in my letter about how the NLW challenge could not be met within the cost envelope of the level of pay awards experienced in recent years. 1,000 a year pay rise for full time . At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. For the lowest paid (currently earning 20,441 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 9.42 per cent this year; meaning their pay will have increased by 4,033 (22.0 per cent) over the two years since April 2021. The squeeze on household budgets has a pronounced effect oncouncil workers, many of whom are in low-paid roles and are currently paid little more than the minimum wage, say unions. While all councils have different grading structures utilising the pay spine, the pay points potentially in scope for removal under this scenario could cover roles such as planning assistants and support officers; legal apprentices, assistants, clerks and secretaries; many roles in schools potentially up to and including teaching assistants; maintenance and cleaning staff; IT assistants and technical support officers; helpdesk assistants, team leaders and supervisors and many other entry, first and second step supervisory roles, all of whom would end up earning the same, lowest rate of pay. The NEU is seeking sufficient funding to be provided to allow employers to make an above-inflation pay rise. The award is the highest offered to NJC workers in over a decade with local government workers bearing years of below inflation pay offers and pay freezes which have seen them lose over 25% from the value of their pay since 2010. For the lowest paid (currently earning 20,441 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 9.42 per cent this year; meaning their pay will have increased by 4,033 (22.0 per cent) over the two years since April 2021.". Hawara: 'What happened was horrific and barbaric'. with effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 4.04 per cent on all allowances. It is clear that both of these figures are now inadequate as targets and will likely change again during the pay negotiation process. Regional Employer Organisations. The decision to reject the offer was made by Unite's national industrial sector committee for local authorities. Council workers accept deal that will give lowest-paid 10.5%, Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021. We have carers delivering care in the community that are facing increasing expenses for having to use their car for work.. The Local Government Association said on Thursday that council employees at about 350 local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland had been offered an increase of at least. Local government trade unions have accepted a pay offer that equates to a 10.5% increase for the lowest-paid workers. 22/03/2022. There are no nationally determined jobs or pay grades in local government, unlike in other parts of the public sector. It will be backdated to 1 April 2022 and averages out to around 7% across the pay spine with the flat rate seeing those at the bottom of the spine (the lowest paid) receive a 10.5% increase with those at the top, just over 4%. The National Employers are taking the step of writing to the Secretary of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to outline the degree of pressure on this pay offer that has come from the projected increases in the National Living Wage and the impact this will have on local authorities seeking to balance their budgets. However, the employers have asked the unions to make every effort to try and synchronise as much as possible the dates and duration of their respective consultations. Projected increases to the lower earners pay is more or less guaranteed due to the increases to the statutory NLW, but it is also important to remember that the NLW is just one element of what will need to be considered by the National Employers in the forthcoming pay negotiations. Speaking of the pay deal, UNISON national secretary for local government Mike Short said: UNISON members voted clearly to accept this pay offer, and it will come as a welcome relief to many of our members particularly those who are lower-paid that it has been agreed before the holiday period. 130 Euston Road School support staff employed on NJC conditions are of course represented in national pay negotiations by UNISON, GMB and Unite. 0800 0 857 857, Copyright 2023 Privacy policy . The NJCs full expectation is that the additional days leave will be applied for all NJC staff, regardless of existing local arrangements. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and is as follows: With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above (FTE). . The National Employers negotiate pay on behalf of 350 local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland that employ around 1.5 million employees. Naomi CookeAddress for correspondence Downing Street is in charge of deciding on ministerial salaries and it has said a freeze for 2022/23 was "only right" at a time of significant pressure on public services. . 18 Smith Square "Most local government workers are being offered yet another pay cut masquerading as a pay increase." . The primary challenge was, and remains, the unrelenting pressure that significant annual increases in the National Living Wage (NLW) have on the NJC pay spine. I urge you to please send representatives to these and future briefings who are able to represent your councils views; specifically, elected members and senior officers. By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. Unite acting national officer for local government Graham McNabsaid: Our local government members have been the bedrock that allowed public services to function smoothly during the pandemic against a background of more than a decade of cuts to local council budgets. Employers will need to amend the CARE and final pay figures (if the ex-employee has pre-April 2014 LGPS membership) accordingly. Following the announcement of a pay offer for council employees, Chair of the National Employers for local government services, Cllr Sian Goding, said: Council employees have been offered a pay increase of 1,925 from 1 April 2022. Local government trade unions today accepted a pay offer that will see hundreds of thousands of workers, over 350,000 of whom are UNISON members, paid an extra 1,925 this year, equating to a 10.5% increase for the lowest-paid workers. Unite rejects pay cut 'masquerading' as a rise. Chiefs reluctantly accept 1,925 pay increase. The decision to reject the offer was. The 2022 claim, which would apply from the start of April, would see council employees receive either a 2,000 rise at all pay grades or the current rate of RPI (presently 11.1%), whichever is higher for each individual. The new pay rates are attached at Annex 1. Local government service group members include employees from councils, schools, further education and the Food Standards Agency. Pay proposals at-a-glance: Nurses in England would get 3.5% in 2023-24. Recent developments. with effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of one day to all employees' annual leave entitlement. About 5.7 million people are employed in the public sector in the UK. The key features of the 2022-23 Public Sector Pay Policy are: setting a guaranteed wage floor of 10.50 per hour, going beyond the current real Living Wage rate of 9.90; providing a guaranteed cash underpin of 775 for public sector workers who earn 25,000 or less; providing a basic pay increase of up to 700 for those public sector . The total increase to the national paybill resulting from this offer would be 1.093bn (6.42 per cent). We are especially keen to engage directly with Finance Directors, who are always welcome at the regional briefings but may not have been aware previously of their opportunity to attend. Someone on 50,000 will pay 464 more. Some of you will have received notices of ballots for industrial action from the National Education Union (NEU), in relation to school support staff. 0800 0 857 857, Copyright 2023 Privacy policy Whilst we cannot provide a running commentary once the negotiations get underway; I shall of course provide updates whenever I can. 3 0 obj Equality matters. In addition, the National Joint Council (NJC) has agreed that from 1 April 2023, all employees covered by this National Agreement, regardless of their current leave entitlement or length of service, will receive a permanent increase of one day (pro rata for part-timers) to their annual leave entitlement. (This will be pro rata for part time and term time only workers). We will be expecting that offer to meet our members needs and address the massive pressure they are facing due to the rate of inflation.. Members accept highest pay award offered to local government staff in over a decade. As has been made clear in previous communications, including at the March briefings, this years pay challenge is of a different order of magnitude to recent years. Regional Directors. A redesign of local government's pay spine is 'inevitable,' employers have admitted privately. The decision means the pay for a secretary of state will be 4,168 less than they are statutorily entitled to. This would lift all council and school employees back above the real living wage of 9.90 per hour (outside London). non-REO councils [1] & Combined Authorities, [1] councils that are not subscribed to their Regional Employer Organisation (through whom these briefings are arranged for their member councils). The National Agreement Green book will, with effect from 1 April 2023, be amended to read as follows: With effect from 1 April 2023, the minimum paid annual leave entitlement is twenty-three days with a further three days after five years of service. In terms of potential costs, you will understand that the National Employers can only ever make estimates based on the national paybill. MPs will get a 2,212 pay rise on 1 April, seeing an MP's basic salary go up to 84,144 a year. UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. Even if we were to do just the bare minimum required to simply remain compliant with NLW legislation and allowing for forecasts to jump again beyond the LPCs latest projections, but nothing else (in terms of a normal pay award), we would need to do the following: A bottom rate of 10.50 in 2022 would require deleting SCPs 1-5 For local government members have faced real terms pay cuts negotiations by UNISON, GMB and Unite of... Million employees is seeking sufficient funding to be invalid notices of ballot, depending on the national.. Now inadequate as targets and will likely change again during the pay negotiation process are employed in the UK would... And how we use them will understand that the national employers can only ever make estimates based on the of... ( this will be applied for all NJC staff, regardless of existing local arrangements make an above-inflation pay made! Understand that the additional days leave will be pro rata for part and! 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