I apply DE with a plastic applicator that is made for this purpose. According to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC), Diatomaceous earth causes insects to dry out and die by absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect's exoskeleton. Jon. Another issue is the rate at which diatomaceous earth kills fleas, which Hanna says is inadequate for her allergic patients. My dog was infested. Looking for a permanent solution, tired of being aggravated by the little pests! A few days after this cleaning mission, my sisters paranoia continued and spiraled into her doing more research and came across DE. Hi Marie, leaving it in place wont hurt, but if you are like me, it would bother my brain so I usually clean up all of it hehe. But yes, I have heard the same things. My kitty is finally scratch free and part of the family again she has been missed. Hey Susie! I dont want to hire an exterminator, because Im wondering how much that is going to help if the fleas are all over my cats? What schedule would you recommend? I have two questions. Me and my dog moved to my sisters for about a week. If you decide to apply DE to your yard, please do it on a non-windy day, keep dusting to ground level, and consider temporarily covering flowering plants. You are an angel <3, Hi Teri! I then comb them with a flea comb and drop the fleas into a bowl of water and Dawn. Hi Misty! If all goes as planned, Ill wait a few days and treat again. I just put down some DE and Boric Acid on the entire lower floor and the stairs (Carpet and tile) Today I woke up and thought they were dead. Hey Linda! I CANNOT find ANYWHERE on the internet ANY demonstration on how to put this stuff down, or in what amount!! First, thank you for the article. For applying the DE, use a broom to brush it into the carpet, that works the best. I read in a comment that it will dry out dogs skin. Im going to make some DIY traps tonight (thanks for that tip). Hi Michelle! Fot application on my carpets I used a small seive with a handle for hard to reach spots, and an old hand crank sifter, probably 50+ yrs old, and it worked beautifully depositing finely sifted powder on the larger areas. It cannot be used as a preventative measure unfortunately. I have no carpets (only a few rugs here and there) should i still try this on my hardwood floor? Have killed the foxes off, now dealing with the flea infestation. Tapeworms in animals can be caused by fleas. Yep, dust there too and after you wash any clothes they could have come into contact with, keep them out the wardrobe. Would it be best to spread it and leave for hours before returning for best results in those areas? Hi Vickie! Let our authors & experts know what you think. There are also harmful nematodes in your soil already like the Golden Root Knot Nematode, but the one you will be applying is friendly. The outer skeletons of diatoms are made of silicon dioxide, a chemical compound most commonly known as silica. Lastly, when cleaning it up, I highly recommend you use a shopvac, as they are very effective and you can usually hire one affordably. The DE should be down for a couple days, so as long as you do it then, it should be fine. if I only treat 3 of the 5 rooms, then treat the other 2 immediately after finishing the first will the DE still be effective or the fleas just move? It kills fleas more slowly than traditional products. One application often works for multiple years, and helps to protect a wild plethora of fruits and veggies against a host of insect pests. Good luck! The first time I did it lightly with flea DE from Home Depot (only 90% DE) and the fleas were still there but less. I have three cats, one doesnt have fleas really but the other twoboy do they have fleas. While its not a big problem for methe fleas dont like me muchits driving the cats more nuts and honestly, its embarrassing. Do you make a liquid with D.E. Or no??? Hi, Why do you advise not rubbing DE on pets directly? There are only 2 small rooms carpeted and am treating those with borax. I just put down de for fleas. Apparently it will pass through digestive system and can destroy parasites (like worms). Hey Claire! DE is absolutely fantastic and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on it, especially to help my readers. Nematodes are microscopic, soil dwelling worms that can be beneficial when used against certain pest insects, such as grubs, fleas, ticks, and chinch bugs. These are razor sharp and while they are too small to even have a small effect on humans, they are deadly to pests. Hi Krissy, I am sure that it will work just as well, let me know how it goes. . But all I have to do is lay down on my bed to sleep or just take a nap and I an finding little beige-ish bugs that run but I catch them in kleenex and flush them down the toilet. I have borrowed a live trap for the racoons, but I am wondering if I use DE outside on the deck and adjacent ground if that will harm any nematodes I plan to release afterwards? Though tilling may help with immediate management, its long-term benefits may not be as effective as other cultural management methods especially if you subscribe to no-till methods and believe in promoting a healthy microbial ecosystemand applying helpful soil microbes. Can I also use baking soda and salt, is that as effective? Hi! Good luck, and sorry for the delayed response. Tyvm. I used DE on them tonight only to read one of your points which was not to use them on kittens!! Great Question, Thanks for asking! With fleas you need to not be having to empty debris from a bagless vacuum. Then I brushed it in with a stiff broom. Hi, could you recommend a brand of food grade to use that would have at least the 90%, Hi Patty! You can use DE on your wood floors but as for vacuuming it up using your hoover, I would be a little careful. It wont hurt them, dont stress. Hi Rebecca, that is a fantastic idea, thank you for sharing! Just ordered 25lb bag of DE food grade with duster! We have an exterminator coming next week to spray the house and both our dog and cat will be getting groomed and flea baths. Just wanted to say thanks for the article. Do I need a special comb? Lastly, I also recommend that you put down a few DIY flea traps at night, I have an article on how to make them super cheaply on this blog. If you spot flea beetles in your trap crop, consider spraying or dusting (depending on your chosen method of management) to control the population and keep them from migrating towards the main crop as the trap crop becomes less desirable. Sprayed the dogs before we started & it kept the ticks off. I have used it to rub on my dog and cats fur and I have put a little in their water I was just wondering fur wise would you know how long it would last on them? Is the Spider Killer DE the same as food grade? Grateful for this informative site! No one has seen a flea or felt one till after I started treatment and they are only seeing baby ones. We will be vacuuming and dusting a thousand times before our house will free of D.E. I assume the fact that I am being bitten is a sign of infestation? Do I need to reapply the DE after the gardener is done? Lamb and Rice foods have a pretty low allergenic value. I wanted to sprinkle DE on my carpets for a flea infestation, then vacuum it up. No offense to them, but if it has a toxic label, its very unlikely that its safe for your pets and kids. For long term, use a spot on treatment (no flea collars please). I also make a facial mud mask 3 or 4 times a week. For outside infestations, I have recently been recommending either a lime treatment or for my readers to use beneficial nematodes to kill fleas in the yard. Did Misty reply, Im interested in how it went. I use garlic in my dogs food as a flea preventative and it seems to work well. Hi Heather! Diatomaceous Earth is a non-toxic powder composed of fossilized, one-celled organisms called diatoms. Ugh. This is just one of hundreds or thousands of horrible tests being done all over the country at this very moment. My question or questions are..is it safe for your pets to ingest? She looked like she had chicken pox there were so many bites. Hi Dan. Hope that helps! I do not want the fleas re infesting my bedroom and was wondering if you had any suggestions to get rid of these last few. I have finally gotten rid of the fleas in all infected parts of the house with bombs and then had my carpets professionally cleaned to make sure all residue was eliminated. But any information regarding this application use would be very helpful. Hope that helps. 1 cup of food grade DE, 1/2 cup of yarrow powder and neem powder and 20 drops of eucalyptus oil. Anyway, heres my situation. is going to be your best option. I recently moved into an apartment and found out that the patio is infested with fleas. You applied DE incorrectly. I recommend leaving it down for around a week, longer the better honestly (so a few weeks is great). Hi Lee! Hello! Hi Sue, yes that should be fine. Hi Erica, if you get food grade DE, it will not be harmful to your cats (they wont need to leave your apartment), just make sure that you apply it carefully so that it doesnt fill the air with dust hehe. As long as its food grade DE, it will work. Hi Sharlon! Today we did the living room because I only spread salt in there. Hi Cindy! Even though she was only in our home for a day prior to starting her Revolution, we are looking for something to treat our apartment, as we dont want anymore popping up. You can leave the DE down as long as you like to be honest, as long as there is no moisture or humidity which can reduce its effectiveness. Another benefit of diatomaceous earth is that it has been found to help with joint pain as well as healing wounds. He sits in the wash basin, and when he gets out, leaves lots of flea poo/blood behind. I read quite a bit on how to deal with fleas. This type can contain more than 60 percent crystalline silica. For pet flea treatment, you can use a spot on or check out my best flea treatment for dogs article on this site for a few natural methods. Great article! Food grade DE is 100% safe. Leave it down for 2-3 days and while its down, put those flea traps in place for night time. Also, you dont need a thick layer (might be why its not working, not sure), but rather a thin layer, almost a dusting of the stuff. Ive also been mixing 1 teaspoon with their wet food twice a week and its cleared all the worms out bc they are gaining weight and their fur has never looked or felt better!!!!!!! Veterinarians generally advise against the use of diatomaceous earth for fleas on cats and dogs. Should be fine honestly, but in future ideally use food grade because its 100% safe (even for consumption lol). Hope that helps, please share this on Facebook if you appreciate my time . You can also spray it on furniture or bedding. Don't confuse food-grade diatomaceous earth with the stuff used to filter pools. Makes you think, huh! It doesnt feel humid in here, but I live in Austin, Texas, so its always kind of humid! I recommend that you continue that process for one more week, but also get a spot on treatment for your cats. Check out my fleas on dogs article on this blog , I have reduced the amount of fleas caught in my flea traps to just 1 or 2 in the last few days, last week I caught 42 in just a few days, YUK. Im finding no trace of fleas or flea dirt on the dog (1 week flea free). Whats the best way to clean it up? Some recommend tilling under the trap crop once it becomes infested, but this could create a dangerous situation wherein the main crop becomes the primary target. is the DE going to do this also? Ive seen some eggs and feces on our hand towel in the bathroom although it is way less than it was before. Im going to be traveling for several weeks and I wondered if its safe to leave the DE on the carpets while Im gone. They are everywhere and the cats are getting infested again!! We cover some of the more common beneficialones here. Please share it with your friends! Thanks for the helpful information, I have one question, the powder you put behind the stove, entertainment center and etc, do you vacuum it up also? Hi Cat! (She thinks shes a cow). etc., etc., etc. Does DE dry out eggs and larve too or t least eggs? I am not too sure which model you have but preferably use a non-water based vacuum to suck the DE up. Hi Pam, sure thing, I have sent it to your email address . Scouting twice a day for these pests is a good practice in an organic program. I did 3 of them in my house and no change. I have had pets all of my life, and I know many times they have had fleas, but I have rarely, if ever seen one. I love food grade diatomaceous earth! Hope that helps, please share this article with your friends . Hi I just found your site. If you do have an infestation, take action immediately to avoid further damage, and to remediate this threat to the health of your plants. Even opening the door means I get reinfested inside the apartment. She appears to be scratching less and I noticed that the small bugs, ants, etc. Can I mop it up after sweeping? Hi Deb I have been using DE for some time for internal consumption for myself and my cats as it is a brilliant wormer for pets and a marvellous health benefit for all sorts of internal problems etc etc. I had a professional steam my carpets and then he used boric acid powder but I would like to add DE if I could learn how it is used. Hi Andrea! 2) Use a face mask or damp scarf to cover your mouth and nose until youre accustomed to using this powder. We have hardwood floors, how is the best way to get rid of fleas on these types of floors, using DE? Again, thank you. However, if thats what you have, be sure to do the emptying outdoors away from any open windows. Hi Nic! Great Pet Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Also the few that did jump up on my socks, fell off since they were too weak to stick. Of course, you still want to get rid of them asap so that you dont encounter those nasty bites, trust me when I tell you I know how horrible they can be. I have been battling fleas for the last 2 weeks. Good luck! We put more DE in the rest of the house. Thanks for the information! Hi: I am in the third week and there are still signs of fleas. DO NOT add oil if treating cats! Your article says that the DE can be sprinkled on the lawn but it becomes less effective once moist. I did use the Food Grade DE. The last tapeworm meds I got from the vet. Many pets, like those who are allergic to fleas, need alternatives that will kill fleas quickly. I really wanted DE to work, but after more than a week, Ive still got fleas on all 3 cats. If you prefer to use DIY products for your four-legged family member, youve probably read about diatomaceous earth for fleas. Very itchy buggers on people and pets driving us all nuts, so I tried DE on my itchy self and it worked immediately! Go easy on DE on their fur. Thanks in advance! Hi there, my 6 month old kitty got out a bout a month ago and weve noticed a few weeks ago that she broughtback fleas and now my 3 cats are infested, ive done alot of reasearch and my plan is to use dawn to bathe them should i sprinkle some de on them afterwards? Hi Donna, not too sure about ingesting DE, I only teach others to use it around the home. However, now that the powder is no longer there, they are back again. Since DE is effective vs a number of pests, its definitely the right option in your case, even for bed bug problems. Hi Allison! I put down a heavy dusting of DE and will vacuum up in the morning as well as bomb the place in a few days, but is there even a point when as soon as I leave the house they get back in? Hopefully, she just sprained something the life of ferals. I have a question for you. Hi Mary, yes that is perfect. Im wondering if you think it would work to put DE in an A-frame tent? Using Borax on the floor near the bed and have a pan of water with a light on it for night time. Hi Julia! He used to spend most of his time in the kitchen or family room. An easy solution is to just keep them out the room, just so it doesnt affect their skin. Cat is more calm and dog has stopped itching as bad, I see what everyone was saying bout the mess haha. We have two little dogs, and my question is how long do I have to leave the bedroom close in order for the dogs not to approach the area and should when I vacuum the entire bedroom after the treatment. Diatomaceous earth for dogs and cats is often recommended as a natural option for keeping fleas at bay. However if it says 100% DE. Ideally dont use it on your cat though, just get a spot on. Not sure what you recommend on our next steps to ensuring this problem goes and stays away. It can have a drying effect. I would say not to mix them. makeup, etc.) Yes you can, its completely harmless (just a bit dusty thats all hehe). Thanks for all your great info. Would using dawn be more effective? Having a difficult time doing so. I read that it can dry out your eyes, what precautions should be taken with this? Is this safe for pets and is it food grade? They will ingest it, crawl over it, and it cuts through like microscopic glass particles. Kills Bed Bugs, Fleas, Insects. I dont want them hitchhiking on me and investing the entire house. I would just wipe the laminate with warm soapy water and then use DE on your carpets. And to repeat the process once a week for 3-4 week.s Can I leave the DE for one week, which means I vacuum once a week? Thank you, thank you, thank you, Natasha for this post! 3 pounds for just under $16 and free 2-day shipping. I use Theraneem soap on the dogs and found a product called flea flicker /tick kicker spray. Is there a brand that you can direct me to? However, just keep an eye on the situation around the house, use my custom flea trap to check for them. For a day or so he scratched a little and we saw a few crawling but now he seems fine and is no longer scratching. There mustve been around 300 or 400 on him when I came back. However, I do have a little granddog, who is a chihuahua, and comes over with my daughter & granddaughter about twice per month. I now have a horrible flea infestation. I then gave Boo Capstar pills which killed his fleas. I have a free range house rabbit and 7 cats, I live in New Zealand. May I leave the powder down for the recommended 3 weeks or is there a benefit to vacuuming and reapplying the D-Earth? Is this something I can do? Also will it harm bees? I have used advantage 2 on my cat for fleas she will not allow me to comb her at all I can however brush her to try and remove eggs. I saw a bug flying across over our dinning table this morning as I was about to decide to clean up the powder all over on the floor. The clay makes the DE brown which gets stuff dirty. Hey Jenna! Our cat sitter recommended diatemeous earth. It is a pleasure, I try my best to answer everyone Good luck! This fungal spray may be purchased and sprayed on the garden, but be sure to apply spray in the evening since direct sunlight may kill the spores. Hey Amanda! Hey Mary! At just about the same time when we begin to emerge from our homes in springtime, so do they. It has been a really hot and humid summer and I have no air conditioner so I am sure that does not help. One night recently, I had seen numerous small beige-colored bugs crawling around on my black night table next to my bed. Perhaps grab a spot on treatment for your dogs and you will be flea free in no time . Legumes like clover and vetch act as fantastic living mulch between rows, or under-sown. Hey Judith! I found your last comment to be hopeful, I will take a yogurt container (big) and punch some holes in it to lightly sprinkle. Have 3 cats, they have no fleas on their bodies d/t using Advantage II for cats, and I dont see any adults crawling around, but I do occasionally feel them crawling on me or in my hair. I became a host, now my battle is ongoing. Yes it sounds like it, the traps almost always catch some if there are fleas around. I wear contacts and after applying the DE dust my eyes got irritated. How long will it take for the nematodes to kill the ants. Supposed to last 7-8 months but after 5 months, fleas were back so I bought a new one.Yes, it kills the fleas (eventually) but they bite FIRST. However, we have 6 bedrooms all carpeted and we have been experiencing flea bites. Hi Christine! Also, leave it down for a week, while putting a DIY flea trap (article on this blog) in each room at night. Hi Barbara! I have 3 dogs, 4 indoor/outdoor cats and 1 (sometimes 2) outdoor cats, plus the occasional opossum visitor and the odd stray or wandering feline. Hi Natasha, Ive been reading through some great info here on DE & Borax for fleas, but wonder how to effectively use it on hardwood floors if I dont have a vacuum. Nothing was helping. Do you think this will work ok? Also when do I clean it up after how long and how to clean up on hardwood floors? Ive flea-sprayed the carpets and furniture. Hi Natasha, lot of really great tips on here. That will be fine, hope it works out for you! Hey Shannon! A trap crop acts as a decoy for the main crop. This stuff completely wiped them out. Most importantly, I am happy that you have had positive results. I was told about Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade- from a friend. The reason this works on certain bugs is because it basically like crawling through tiny shards of glass. Sometimes a little floury feeling in ears. I did not want to use chemicals on my cat or myself. My pets Are being treated, but I knew I would have eggs/larvae in my carpets. My question is about humidity I know moisture diminishes the effects, but will it work if my house is a bit humid? I have to go to the laundry Matt, after a hot wash and dry the clothes still have fleas in them. This is my 2nd flea infestation on my dog! I hope that your comment encourages those that have not had a chance to use DE to give it a try Cheers! Hope that helps. Or that the bag has been opened for the whole year, although it has been stored in a room temperature place, away from direct sun, etc. You can also try using a flea bomb, I have an article that outlines the exact steps and I encourage you to check it out. She said yes. I usually use DE in the home (carpets, etc. Before I read this I had the house sprayed and bombed yesterday by an exterminator. Can I dust my skin with DE? My goal for this blog is to create evidence-based guides that are easy to understand, provide sufficient depth and can be trusted to be very accurate. Situations where you want to use natural methods for flea control. Thats all I have and I was thinking that it will work great for it, but now Im curious of your reasoning. Just a little word of caution folks. I couldnt find your example of the flea traps. Its in a yellow bag, 4lbs. It also has calcium bentonite. You can stop the flea life cycle by using a IGR (insect growth regulator) spray. You are an angel. Hi Denise! Im glad to have found your website! I even use it on the dogs periodically. Readers, this is also beneficial for humans to take for many reasons. Hope that helps! Can. Thanks for your kind words and for sharing those valuable tips with the community, its really appreciated! Diatomaceous earth (DE) will make your garden look like it survived a flour bomb explosion, but it is a powerful organic weapon to have on hand when youre going to war with beetles, and various other insect pests. 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